Accolades need to go to Minnesota's Attorney General, for being among the leaders, bringing these suits. The major connection with the pay-for-play relationship that some of these big oil companies have coerced politicians with, must be exposed. Especially the corrupt relationship that has been fueling "climate change denial" and other disinformation they have implanted mostly within the business lapdog, GOP.
This is public corruption, at its worst extreme. Not only have the greed addicted officials within big oil misled the public and coerced our politicians but, they have endangered the lives and health of our fellow citizens, and all life in the entire planetary ecosystem. Now in their last ditch effort as they can feel the noose of accountability closing in, in order to avoid prosecution for their fraud, they have been among the chief architects trying to destroy US democracy and replacing it with a fascist type government, that would have them in charge.
At this stage in our history the only path toward accountability left to us, as voters, is to vote blue until the big oil/foreign power threat is curtailed. We must support only politicians that support democracy. If we look honestly, it's not hard to conclude, with Project 2025, voter suppression laws & schemes, gerrymandering, Court & Media Capture, and coordination with extreme religion; that the GOP has turned into a corrupt party, intent on promoting fascism and oligarchy.
Accolades need to go to Minnesota's Attorney General, for being among the leaders, bringing these suits. The major connection with the pay-for-play relationship that some of these big oil companies have coerced politicians with, must be exposed. Especially the corrupt relationship that has been fueling "climate change denial" and other disinformation they have implanted mostly within the business lapdog, GOP.
This is public corruption, at its worst extreme. Not only have the greed addicted officials within big oil misled the public and coerced our politicians but, they have endangered the lives and health of our fellow citizens, and all life in the entire planetary ecosystem. Now in their last ditch effort as they can feel the noose of accountability closing in, in order to avoid prosecution for their fraud, they have been among the chief architects trying to destroy US democracy and replacing it with a fascist type government, that would have them in charge.
At this stage in our history the only path toward accountability left to us, as voters, is to vote blue until the big oil/foreign power threat is curtailed. We must support only politicians that support democracy. If we look honestly, it's not hard to conclude, with Project 2025, voter suppression laws & schemes, gerrymandering, Court & Media Capture, and coordination with extreme religion; that the GOP has turned into a corrupt party, intent on promoting fascism and oligarchy.