99% of the scientists who are experts would have a problem with oil companies being more monopolized. That’s not going to hold prices in check IMO.

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It would be better to put our efforts into stopping foreign actors buying our corporations than any worry about such mergers.. we can still control corporations whatever size they are…

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From Climate Alarmism to Climate Realism

Get used to the facts, the climate is changing, and its natural, and its good news, and its mostly not us!

It’s time to stop the foolish prosperity destroying Climate emergency NetZero rhetoric as its now clear we are at critical mass of scientific dissention that shows we do NOT have any kind of climate emergency.

We must stop the activists and alarmists misleading the general public by spreading unsubstantiated scare campaigns of climate catastrophe from highly suspect media sources. These actors are not interested in realistic solutions for the true sustainability of our modern civilization.

Also, we must leave the energy providers alone to get on with providing low-cost reliable energy to power our prosperity.

Of course, pollution on land sea and air is always an improvement journey to continue.

Clintel (www.clintel.org) has released a peer reviewed declaration by almost 2000 scientists that states that we do not have a climate emergency.

We do not need CO2 and fossil fuel mitigation and only a reasonable and manageable levels of adaption in some situations.


We now have many scientists ready to argue with the IPCC reports….

Here is a presentation of a letter they have sent to IPCC.

Clintel Assessment of IPCC Reports - YouTube


We have now released a documentary that is getting viewed by our political organizations.

A Climate Conversation - YouTube


More at….


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These greedy bastards (bitche$ too) don't care. Their greed will turn planet Earth into another Mars in a short time if left alone to do this crap 💩

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