I have been working to expose the Oil Industry for many years. I was a gas and Diesel Truck Driver for many years and I could see how the Oil Industry was Lying about the Emissions.

We are in the middle of the Hurricane Season for This Year, 2024.

The Hurricane Season is In full swing.

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Climate change is the issue of our times. Biden made difficult progress on some fronts, but the public has still not been told the truth about the imminent economic collapse of drilling for oil. At some point, sooner rather than later, the energy put into harvesting the stuff will no longer create sufficient profit, so it will end. The world economy, both the victors and the victims, is built on oil. Where is the courage and vision to communicate and make a plan for this plain truth?

All future decisions at the top levels of government need to be about transforming the economy to a low consumption model. Without the courage to communicate this and affect profound social change, most if not all Homo sapiens will endure an ugly departure from this planet. Degrowth or dead. https://geoffreydeihl.substack.com/p/degrowth-the-vision-we-must-demand

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Yes! You are telling the truth.

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I am working to get a screenplay that calls out the Fossil Fuel industry made into a feature film - as we see from the recent film Twisters, (and Don't Look Up) and things said by the filmmakers (even though they couch their reluctance as not wanting to preach) - I believe they are truly afraid to go directly at the Fossil Fuel industry for their lies, destruction and sociopathic willingness to accelerate climate destruction. My film is fictional but it is based around the 2009 Climategate event - still unsolved - which was obviously orchestrated to help Big Oil by ruining the atmosphere at the 2009 UN Copenhagen Climate summit. So I'm fighting an uphill battle, but I do have 5 or so production companies that say they're interested. Here's my pitchdeck:..........https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/shj6jwfrbnxvtpxjniahq/Turtle-On-a-Fence-Post-Look-Book-2024-June.pdf?rlkey=al0uqigiovkm7g4d1bs99jlla&st=80hn9uid&dl=0

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I saw a short U-tube video titled 'Summer', if I remember correctly.

It was spot on about the causes of global warmng and destructive climate changes. But this video didn't stay up on 'x' very long. I guess Elon Musk still wants to make money from destructive extraction and marketing of fossil fuels.

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News update! Kamala supports Fracking! Hopefully it's just a strategy to get elected and then go after Big Oil with DOJ. But it's a touch disturbing.

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Biden cleared the Willow Project to process🤬 Biden is also building Trump's stupid wall, an environmental disaster. If Kamala doesn't reverse course on both of those fronts, she's just the same old, same old neoliberal NIMBY.

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Please read Petroleum-238 by Justin Nobel. It documents the details about the radioactivity of gas/oil from black shale. This has been known to industry for many decades but never discussed, especially with employees hired to clean scale & other waste from this industry. The workers are dieing from these exposures.

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