This is both absolutely shocking and absolutely unsurprising.

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We now have some optimism that this NetZero nonsense will be over soon…

I now see many key scientists and policy strategists declaring that climate change is not an emergency and any CO2 mitigation and the suppression of fossil fuels as foolish.


Some government professionals are now speaking out and showing courage…


The bulk of the populations in North America will soon be learning the facts from a coordinated information release being planned as part of the next election/s process. And many once correctly briefed will turn away from the crazy NetZero journey.

In Canada where I live, we now have a new poll that shows 85% of Canadians don’t want a NetZero journey. https://epaper.nationalpost.com/article/281659669673268

We will also need the climate advocates and alarmists to be forced by public pressure to take re-education on climate science, as they follow a religious rather than scientific journey, and are imbalanced in their facts, and not only misrepresenting science but also the bulk of the population.

It will certainly require a change in government on both sides of the border before we get climate reality back into our policies, as the current governments have no way back from their crazy policies and need to be forced out for the good of both nations.

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They lied to look better. Nobody should be surprised.

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Of Course they knew...but choose to ignore the long term consequences of dumping waste into the waterways of other countries and killin their way of life. Their single minded directive of Profits has put the whole world at risk of devastating diseases and Larger Destructive Climate Events. Business Majors have to be scheduled to take Science Classes that the Curriculum is not written by agents of the Petroleum Industry.

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Emily, do you have an opinion about the carbon coin as presented in Ministry for the Future, Kim Stanley Robinson's sci-fi exploration of the climate crisis? He used the ideas developed by Delton Chen called a 'global carbon reward' which is a way to pay nations and companies for leaving fossil fuels in the ground, un-mined and unburned. It is simultaneously a way to thwart the capitalist climate crisis ignorers, as it loosens their death grip on the world economy. My degree is in English Literature and my career was as a high school teacher, but I know a good idea when I read one.

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It’s clear that like many of us who deal in reality they are recommitting from the foolish wasteful unrealistic and unnecessary NetZero activity and they have been listening to a growing number of scientists that support this rather than the politically motivated UN organizations that are making no sense anymore.

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