As more communities sue oil majors following climate disasters, a collection of evidence reveals the industry’s efforts to deny the link between extreme weather and climate change.
So transparent, the way Big Oil actually used the same law firm/soulless attorneys that allowed big Tobacco to get away with killing millions for many years, before they finally got their legal comeuppance! Naomi Oreskes' book Merchants of Doubt spells it out, and of course we keep uncovering further actions of obfuscation. Eventually we will stop the subsidies Big Oil has extorted from governments and consumers all over the world for at least a century, and then we'll come for their assets - stranded and otherwise.
Idiot thinking... Until further notice the economy is dependent on oil and so its to be supported... Only other energy source that has merit is nuclear and that must be supported also.. the alternatives such as so called renewables such as W&S just dont work and should not be supported.
Also.. no law exists that places the oil industry in a conflict of public safety... unless some woke judge panders to the stupidity.
by Tony Heller. His YT videos show clearly for people with no knowledge of history, amnesia and otherwise lack of ability to think critically that the climate emergency is simply another scam, a grift.
Maybe the oil, gas and coal companies got it wrong about CO2 being the control knob for (rising) temperatures. Back in the 1960's Earth Sciences was shakier than it is today.
There were times on Earth when the atmospheric CO2 levels were 7 thousand ppm, and life thrived. There is no long-term positive correlation between atmospheric CO2 and temperature.
The IPCC Working Group One (the "Science"), NOAA, NWS, NASA all report no upward trend in severe storms like hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, severe droughts or flooding or sea level rise.
US government data shows that the 1930's were much warmer than today, and that heat waves lasted longer.
The variables affecting the Earth's climate are too numerous and confounding to be reduced to one tiny variable, atmospheric CO2, as the control knob for climate change.
Consider this; While fishing groups push back on offshore wind, advocates say the industry is unprepared to deal with the threat of climate change, as increasingly intense storms damage waterfront facilities. (Bangor Daily News)
(see EPA's Excessive Heat Events Guidebook at: for prevention of heat illness, which results in more deaths yearlly than any other cause of death related to weather, including floods and freezing.
I don't believe that you are really in touch with reality. The rapid melting of ice packs on mountains and at the polar regions, is not 'natural'. Melting of Arctic ice is facilitated by the human damming of north flowing rivers and the release of waters warmed by the sun. Dig deeper or open your mind to what has been recorded already. We are facing bigger storms, with greater floods and at the same time droughts are worse.
If these trends continue, humanity will experience greater crises. The stable climate that facilitated the development of our civilizations will be gone, because of our continued burning of fossil fuels and other excesses of consumption. Now is the time we must change our habits for the sake of our descendants.
To the UN and the IPCC and various climate activists, alarmists and advocates for NetZero.
It’s clear that the climate is changing, but a fast-growing number of scientists have declared that most of the change is natural.
Also, all measured metrics shows the increase in global temperature is not generating any increase in issues that effect humanity, with all trends showing either no significant trends, or trends that are positive, and in some cases a small need for localized adaption that will be an order of magnitude less to fund than any level of climate mitigation.
Also, they have declared that CO2 is not a main driver of this climate change.
Also, the CO2 increase has been a benefit by greening the planet and improving the global food supply.
So far, any weather related events that are being blamed on climate change are found to not be climate related, and are either inline with historical weather activity averages and are not in anyway trending as extreme, or they are poor adaption strategies by local governments, such as inadequate local storm management systems as cities grow, or poor building code planning, or changes to the local ecology by the local population without due regard for the natural variance of weather.
A growing number of the population are now ranking climate change and the climate emergency scare tactics from the UN and others as a much lower priority than prosperity and security heath and other Socio-economic issues.
We believe that based on the low level of evidence and the continued failure of the many predictions of impending doom from the IPCC, that we declare the climate change a non-emergency, and that we redirect our resources and wealth toward far more important issues.
So transparent, the way Big Oil actually used the same law firm/soulless attorneys that allowed big Tobacco to get away with killing millions for many years, before they finally got their legal comeuppance! Naomi Oreskes' book Merchants of Doubt spells it out, and of course we keep uncovering further actions of obfuscation. Eventually we will stop the subsidies Big Oil has extorted from governments and consumers all over the world for at least a century, and then we'll come for their assets - stranded and otherwise.
Idiot thinking... Until further notice the economy is dependent on oil and so its to be supported... Only other energy source that has merit is nuclear and that must be supported also.. the alternatives such as so called renewables such as W&S just dont work and should not be supported.
Also.. no law exists that places the oil industry in a conflict of public safety... unless some woke judge panders to the stupidity.
i am dissappointed in the dis-information i see here
Many on this site should look at this..
THE BIG EV LIE. Why They Won't Save the Planet & All About Dirty Electricity | (
Check out this video "Climate Condtioning"
by Tony Heller. His YT videos show clearly for people with no knowledge of history, amnesia and otherwise lack of ability to think critically that the climate emergency is simply another scam, a grift.
Maybe the oil, gas and coal companies got it wrong about CO2 being the control knob for (rising) temperatures. Back in the 1960's Earth Sciences was shakier than it is today.
There were times on Earth when the atmospheric CO2 levels were 7 thousand ppm, and life thrived. There is no long-term positive correlation between atmospheric CO2 and temperature.
The IPCC Working Group One (the "Science"), NOAA, NWS, NASA all report no upward trend in severe storms like hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, severe droughts or flooding or sea level rise.
US government data shows that the 1930's were much warmer than today, and that heat waves lasted longer.
The variables affecting the Earth's climate are too numerous and confounding to be reduced to one tiny variable, atmospheric CO2, as the control knob for climate change.
Consider this; While fishing groups push back on offshore wind, advocates say the industry is unprepared to deal with the threat of climate change, as increasingly intense storms damage waterfront facilities. (Bangor Daily News)
The numbers are that every year more humans die of heat related illness. How can you claim that global warming does not Affect human life?
Significantly more people die of cold than of heat.
(see EPA's Excessive Heat Events Guidebook at: for prevention of heat illness, which results in more deaths yearlly than any other cause of death related to weather, including floods and freezing.
I don't believe that you are really in touch with reality. The rapid melting of ice packs on mountains and at the polar regions, is not 'natural'. Melting of Arctic ice is facilitated by the human damming of north flowing rivers and the release of waters warmed by the sun. Dig deeper or open your mind to what has been recorded already. We are facing bigger storms, with greater floods and at the same time droughts are worse.
If these trends continue, humanity will experience greater crises. The stable climate that facilitated the development of our civilizations will be gone, because of our continued burning of fossil fuels and other excesses of consumption. Now is the time we must change our habits for the sake of our descendants.
I think it is you that is not in touch with reality..
The facts….
Yes the planet is warming… natural process..
Some melting but not that much and its in line with a naturally warming planet and happened before in warmer climate cycles.
Small temperature increase…. No threat
No increase in global floods
No increase in fires
No trends on adverse weather
Past climates far warmer than now and we did not just “survived” we flourished!..
More at Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth) English (
Please educate yourself… stop listening to fear mongers.
There are over 130 volcanoes under Antarctica. Could they have something to do with water temperature?
To the UN and the IPCC and various climate activists, alarmists and advocates for NetZero.
It’s clear that the climate is changing, but a fast-growing number of scientists have declared that most of the change is natural.
Also, all measured metrics shows the increase in global temperature is not generating any increase in issues that effect humanity, with all trends showing either no significant trends, or trends that are positive, and in some cases a small need for localized adaption that will be an order of magnitude less to fund than any level of climate mitigation.
Also, they have declared that CO2 is not a main driver of this climate change.
Also, the CO2 increase has been a benefit by greening the planet and improving the global food supply.
So far, any weather related events that are being blamed on climate change are found to not be climate related, and are either inline with historical weather activity averages and are not in anyway trending as extreme, or they are poor adaption strategies by local governments, such as inadequate local storm management systems as cities grow, or poor building code planning, or changes to the local ecology by the local population without due regard for the natural variance of weather.
A growing number of the population are now ranking climate change and the climate emergency scare tactics from the UN and others as a much lower priority than prosperity and security heath and other Socio-economic issues.
We believe that based on the low level of evidence and the continued failure of the many predictions of impending doom from the IPCC, that we declare the climate change a non-emergency, and that we redirect our resources and wealth toward far more important issues.
Amen, brother!
What is more important than the prosperity of our descendants? The possibility of even survival becomes less with every degree of global warming.
Earth's climate was much warmer in the Roman Climate Optimum and Medieval Warm Period, just to name a few recent epochs.
This is Scientific/Religious propaganda and just not true….
Facts support past climates far warmer than now and we did not just “survived” we flourished!..
more at Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth) English (